About Us
SILVER GULL is a family company with a long history in the world of jewelry design. United by the love of jewelry, fashion and art. Our history begins in 1994 at South America. With the objective of creating high quality jewelry, we have traveled around the world and worked with different artisans workshops and learned new techniques, which we use when we create new designs.
Our objective is to create designs that our costumers feel identified with, in a simple and elegant way. Our designs are made with the best materials, at the same time one of our goals is to respect the environment every time we make our jewels. That is why we unite technology and craftsmanship,in order to make the process of making the jewels efficient and respectful with the environment.
We cooperative with other artisans, especially with family workshops and women workshops. We want to support the continuity of new generations of artisans, that is why we give them with our experience and new technologies. That helps them, on the elaboration and publication of each collection.